Call for Papers: Gamification Minitrack auf der 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Science
Der Gamification Minitrack auf der jährlichen HICSS hat sich als zentraler Ort des Kontakts und Austauschs für Gamification-Forscher aus aller Welt etabliert. Neben der GamiFin– und Mindtrek-Konferenz bietet der Gamification Track in Hawaii jungen Gamification-Wissenschaftlern/innen einen hervorragenden Ort, um sich auszutauschen und ein internationales Netzwerk aufzubauen. Darüber hinaus werden mehrere Fast-Tracks für relevante wissenschaftliche Journale angeboten, die dazu beitragen können, Ihre Karriere und Sichtbarkeit im Forschungsbereich zu verbessern. Der Track wird von unseren Freunden, der Gamification Group in Finnland betreut.
Autoren sollten folgende Daten berücksichtigen:
15. April 2021: Paper submission startet
15. Juny 2021: Paper submission Deadline (11:59 PM HST)
17 August 2021: Information zur Annahme / Ablehnung
22. September 2021: Deadline um das finale Manuskript einzureichen
1. Oktober 2021: Deadline bis der sich mind. ein Author an der Konferenz als Teilnehmer angemeldet haben muss

Track Beschreibung:
Gamification refers to a “process of transforming any activity, system, service, product or organizational structure into one which affords positive experiences, skills and practices similar to those afforded by games, and is often referred to as the gameful experience. This is commonly but optionally done with an intention to facilitate changes in behaviors or cognitive processes.
This minitrack encourages a wide range of submissions from any disciplinary backgrounds: empirical and conceptual research papers, case studies, and reviews. Relevant topics for this minitrack include, but not limited to:
- Users: e.g. Engagement, experience, motivations, user/player types
- Education: e.g. Serious games, game-based learning, simulation games
- Media: e.g. eSports, streaming
- Commerce: e.g. Game business models, free-to-play, gamification as marketing, adoption
- Work: e.g. Organizational gamification, gameful work, games-with-a-purpose, playbour
- Technology: e.g. VR, AR, MR, gameful wearables and IoT
- Toys & playfulness
- Health: e.g. Quantified-self, games for health, health benefits
- Cities: e.g. smart cities, urban gamification, playable cities, community engagement, governance
- Theories/concepts/methods: Contributions to science around gamification
Authors of accepted papers have the option to fast-track extended versions of their HICSS papers either to:
Electronic Markets (papers that approach the topic of the minitrack from the perspective of the digital economy)
Internet Research (papers that approach the topic of the minitrack from the perspective of the internet), or
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (papers that approach the topic of the minitrack from the perspective of human-computer interaction)
Guide for authors
The submission deadline is June 15th, 2021.
All papers must be submitted to a minitrack with a suitable thematic focus with your submission, and the submission cannot be submitted to more than one minitrack. The submissions must contain original material. They may not be previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere.
Submissions will undergo a double-blind review and further information about the format requirements, the submission system can be found at: